Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tools of the Trade

As an avid reader, I developed a love of words and writing fairly early in life. I decided in high school that out of all the possible careers open to me, writing would have to feature heavily. So, with that in mind, I took the next step and decided to commit to journalism because it offers me the opportunity to see people and places I'd otherwise never be in contact with and, in turn, inform others who may not be as lucky as myself.

My current shortcomings don't come from a lack of topics to write on (I may have too many interests to be honest), but instead I find that I need to develop a better grasp on how to write for newspapers and web sites. My current writing background mostly stems from formal papers, not the short staccato of facts and quotes I see in the New York Times or posted on CNN.com. With that under my belt, I plan on developing a style that's both entertaining and informative, not to mention lucrative.

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